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And I'm an Android
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About me

I'm SHUBHAM and I'm a

Hi I'm Shubham , passionate about to creating cool android apps for my self. beside this I am interested in web apps development don't know why, may be by my surroundings. but I have some knowledge about that and my friends always ask me that_how did you know that<मुझे नहीं पता है मुझ से मत पूछो न>. currently I am in 3rd sem. of my under grad. So, I don't have any experience of work. So, my skills are always teach me that work hard_Otherwise, I'll leave you too. whenever I get lazy or procrastinate myself. because there is nothing permanent, Whether it's my own skills too leave me first when I got lazy. I'm dedicated towards learning new skills and techniques I had started my journey as an Android developer in 2022. Moreover I can develop fully functional app using Android visit life recycler view grid view, progress bar list view custom dialogue.

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My services

Web Design

Astrology with Machine Learning.
On-Demand Services
eLearning Platforms Web Application


Journals,Tech Items and More with Your Logo
Promotional Items
Corporate Collection

Apps Design

Library Management System Mobile App
Android Based Mobile App For Career Guidence
Android Development

My skills

Hobbies and Interests

I like to use my app development skills for good causes. Recently, Passionate and Self-Taught Native Android Developer ( Kotlin, Java )and Flutter Developer. Quick learner who has always been interested in new technology and learning new things. Completed three projects in Kotlin and holds a diploma in Computer Engineering.

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HTML 90%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 80%
JAVA 80%
XML 90%
C language 90%
C++ 90%
MySQL 70%

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